That’s a REAL statistic from the Small Business Association.
62.8% (to be exact) of businesses will fail.
Kind of depressing. Vegas has better odds.
All business owners should watch this video right now.
That’s from Andy Jenkins and the StomperNet guys, and he’s
doing a little math. WHAT?! Math!? I know, but all you have
to do is pay attention.
Even in this recession, some businesses are going to step up
and grow. They’re going to expand their customer bases AND
increase profits.
How are they going to do it?
Simple – watch the video. They are going to follow a PROVEN
Formula for success. This formula has been honed over 15 years
by Paul Lemberg, one of the most respected (and expensive)
business consultants around. But you get his expertise today
for FREE. And get this…
It works on 93% of ALL businesses that try it.
Go watch this video right now. You won’t regret it.
Once you do, odds are the rest of your 2009 will be looking VERY good.
Mats Holmvik
P.S. Seriously, with just this video, you’ll be taking pages of
notes and can actually start making more money TODAY.