Free: Frank Kern and Mass Control Montly kind of newsletter!

Hi there, its been a long time since I last posted something here. But its been busy at work and establishing a new home for myself and my girl. New apartment, lots of changes in my company.

Tonight I stumbled over, or rather got an email from Frank Kern, promoting a PDF report, I thought not one more crappy report, but hey did I get surprised. I have earlier taken a trial of his Mass control Monthly newsletter, and he shares his most inner deepest secrets to whats working in the internet marketing space. This PDF he is giving away does the same thing, its about 33 pages and covers a lot of how to aquire new customers, developing existing ones and create the extra cash needed for the summertime! 🙂 Go on and check it out on the link underneat, its free and you just have to sign up using an email, but you can quit his list at anytime since its being done by Aweber.

Go on check it out:

Ps. Check out his blog and specially this blogpost on how to get cheap traffic from Yahoo:

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