I just wanted to give you a great link over to SmartPassiveIncome.com (from Pat Flynn) to a video that is going over his site with a hard critique eye!
Pat Flynn is a great blogger who I have followed for a long time, and I think he was in a podcast, on an article and I found him through google the same week, he is everywhere. But now he wanted to be at his own webspace, going over his site and conversion potential. And I loved the video, it gives you some to the point tricks and tips that you could implement yourself in about 30 minutes time on your blog.
So skip over to Pat’s blog to view it all:
Ps. The video is the video that kicked me into renewing this site, and getting back on with the writing as I was in the beginning. Now I have a vision for how it should look, a plan for posting and topics to use, I feel I am all set, and i hope you will enjoy reading the upcoming posts, keep up to date by the RSS feed on the upper right, and I will soon have my email newsletter setup. See ya around!