Welcome to my blog! My space on the web. I will use it wisely. Give me some time and I will make a good effort to help you doing more with your business and websites!
Sincerly Mats
Welcome to my blog! My space on the web. I will use it wisely. Give me some time and I will make a good effort to help you doing more with your business and websites!
Sincerly Mats
I’ve simply found your website and revel in every article. I admire your expertise.
Im having a little problem. I cant get my reader to pick-up your feed, Im using google reader by the way.
I just tested it in Google Reader, works just fine with the adress http://feeds.feedburner.com/MatsHolmvikDotCom which is burned with Feedburner, another app from Google. So they should work together.
Thanks for reading my blog!