
Why is every online business owner getting Video Genesis… ?

Hi! This is the most exciting news of the month. Here is why… Finally, after creating what is being called the best marketing videos ever released in our industry… Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime have opened the doors to Video Genesis in what they call the “Epic Finale” Video http://problogger.no/MakeAmazingVideo I just saw the video […]

Why is every online business owner getting Video Genesis… ? Read More »

There are 13 Types of Video. Do you know which to use for your marketing?

Have you heard about Video Genesis? Then by now you have seen some cool videos from Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime. (If you haven’t don’t worry, everything is all right here.) But things just gotten even cooler, if you can imagine. While you and I wait for the doors to open on July 9th, Andy

There are 13 Types of Video. Do you know which to use for your marketing? Read More »