They’re giving Kajabi away for…

FINALLY, they get it! Even I’ve been getting tired of seeing a launch and having to speculate whether the price will be too much on launch day…

Check this:

After causing massive curiosity, people were starting to assume that Kajabi was going to be priced out of most people’s range… So they’ve released the sales video…

TWO WHOLE DAYS before the launch date. How cool is that?

No pressure, no surprises… No, wait. Scratch that. HUGE surprise. It rhymes with “Tree Frial”… 😀

Preview it here:

BTW, even though it’s not on sale until Thursday, you can get on the “Early Bird” list right on that page and get an email so you can get “cuts-ies” right to the front of the line.

Not a bad idea.

P.S. Is this going to change the “launch” game? Is everyone going to start revealing the sales video early now like this?

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